bored to bits...& [~TGBCG~]
Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ Saturday, October 31, 2009
well yea...i reali hav nothing to do now....
am failing at job huntiong but im not gona giv up...
sure hav one job that allow sia....
well todae no guitar lesson cos cherlyn hav the great big christmas giveaway practice and also hav worship prac not free teach us... >.< sad...
the dates for the show is on dec 19 , dec 24 and dec 25!!! im sure your free on either one of these days!!! so must come watch the show!!! its gona be reali intresting!!! its gona be reali awesome...must come watch me sing...or hear or wadever...
bored......still need do holiday homework...sian...
XXD alethea XXD
Monday, October 26, 2009 @ Monday, October 26, 2009
hahas.awesome sia yesterday i play acoustic guitar for sss service...super fun...
cant wait for the next time i play again...
i was like totally freaking out inside but trying not to show it...
super scary...but super fun.lols.
ahhs sian...nothing to do...
sch super boring exam activities super boring...wish i can just skip sch...
well at least holidays are coming soon in 4 days and my b'day is coming in 14 days.
gona be 13 then...
gona go job hunting....need money to buy the shoes that i couldnt buy cos my mom didnt want to buy it for sian...
nothing to do....need money to buy shoes....need money... still bored with nothing to do...
Friday, October 9, 2009 @ Friday, October 09, 2009
so todae went out with sarah again.
went to airport first.took 34.
then we walk walk walk frm t3 to t1 to t2.
then i think in either one of those three terminal,we saw a florist shop.
so i told the whole time i had steads,not even one of them gave me a flower.damn retard.
anyways then we took train frm t2 to pasir ris.
then we walk to pasir ris park.
then saw kenny in the mangrove.
then we walk walk walk to the beach.
then we like walk walk walk collecting sea shells for sarah.
then walk walk walk more. and apparentally,kenny,asyraf,yong wen and conrad were there too.
then ltr after the walk walk walk on the beach we went to hang with kenny cos yong wen,conrad and asyraf dunno go whr.
so he looked lonely so we go hang with him.
then asyraf and aloysius came.
so sarah and me use aloysius bike to ride to the shop to buy drink.quite far me at least.
then we ride bac and then after a while we left.
sounds so boring...
now my legs hurt...
fav new song->
body language by Jesse mcCartney ft. T-Pain
cant wait for sat and sunday to come.
espically sunday. can go church. my fav time of the week. can spend time with frends and god.
spirit bound:a vamprie acadamy novel-rachelle mead.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ Tuesday, October 06, 2009

yay its a photo of spirit bound!! the photo for the fifth book of vampire acadamy!!!
Monday, October 5, 2009 @ Monday, October 05, 2009
okay so those were the four books ive read over this weekend.
the books were is reali reali reali nice.
the fifth book is coming out on 18 may of 2010.
and the sixth book is coming out later of 2010...
cant wait for 2010 to come...
lance and sarah.
go visit this web
its about the books and the summaries of the books that this person has read.and there is like a lot of books.its reali nice...
anyways...todae had chinese paper 2
nothing intresting...
back to re-reading those four books.

Pages: 443
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date: 13th November 2008
Other Titles in the Series: Vampire Academy (my review), Frostbite (my review), Blood Promise (25/08/09)
What if following her heart means Rose could lose her best friend forever?
Rose Hathaway knows it is forbidden to love another guardian. Her best friend, Lissa - the last Dragomir princess - must always come first. Unfortunately, when it comes the gorgeous Dimitri Belikov, some rules are meant to be broken…
But since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn’t been feeling right. Something dark has begun to grow in her mind, and ghostly shadows warn of a terrible evil drawing nearer to the Academy’s iron gates. And now that Lissa and Rose’s sworn enemy, Victor Dashkov, is on trial for his freedom, tensions in the Moroi world are higher than ever.
Lying to Lissa about Dimitri is one thing, but suddenly there’s way more than friendship at stake. The immortal undead are on the prowl, and they want vengeance for the lives that Rose has stolen. In a heart-stopping battle to rival her worst nightmares, Rose will have to choose between life, love, and the two people who matter most…but will her choice mean that only one can survive?

Pages: 327
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date: 28th August 2008
Other Titles in the Series: Vampire Academy (my review), Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise (25/08/09)
When love and jealously collide on the slopes, winter break turns deadly…
Rose Hathaway’s got serious guy trouble. Her gorgeous tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason has a huge crush on her, and she keeps get stuck in her best friend Lissa’s head while she’s making out with her boyfriend, Christian.
Then a massive Strigoi attack puts St. Vladimir’s on high alert, and the Academy crawls with Guardians - including the legendary Jeanine Hathaway…Rose’s formidable, long-absent mother. The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy’s not taking any risks. This year, St. Vlad’s holiday ski trip is mandatory.
But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only provide the illusion of safety. When three students run away to strike back against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them. Only this time, Rose - and her heart - are in more danger than she ever could have imagined…
this is the sumamry for the fourth book blood promise.i did not write the summary i just coppied it frm the book!!!

Pages: 503
Publisher: Sleuth Razorbill
Release Date: 25th August 2009
Bound by love, but sworn to kill…
The world thought Dimitri was dead. And to a certain extent, he was. But I hadn’t been able to forget a conversation he and I had once had. We’d both agreed that we’d rather be dead - truly dead - than walk the world as Strigoi. It was time to honour our words.
Guardian Rose Hathaway’s life will ever be the same. The recent attack on St. Vladimir’s Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose’s neck; a mark that says she’s killed far too many Strigoi to count.
But only one victim matters…Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honouring her life’s vow to protect Lissa - her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess - or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She’ll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?
Now, with everything at stake - and worlds away from St. Vladimir’s Academy and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend - can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?
Friday, October 2, 2009 @ Friday, October 02, 2009
lols.very long nvr post.dead blog.lols.lame...
so exams are week down,one more to go...lame..
i feel like im laming everything after my sentence...
anyways...a certain someone 'motivated' me that if i got A1 and pass all my subs beside chinese and geog,he'll lend me his electric guitar!! super cool rite!!.lols.
anyways,my life is reali bored to DEATH!!!
i just started reading two new books.
->vampire acadamy
forstbite is the continuation of vampire acadamy.
its reali intresting.
this is the summary for vampire acadamy.
lissa dragomir is a moroi princess: a motal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. she must be protected at all times from strigoi; the fiercest and ost dangerous vampire-the ones who never die.
the powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows rose hathaway,lissa's best friend, makes her a dhampir. rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting lissa from the strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them.
after two years of illicit freedom, rose and lissa are caught and dragged back to st. valdimir's acadamy, hidden in the deep forests of montana.rose will continue her dhampir education. lissa will go back to being queen of the elite moroi social screne. and both girls will resume breaking acadamy hearts.
fear made lissa and rose run away from st. vladimir's-inside tge academy's iron gates, their world is even more fraught with danger. here, the cutthroat ranks of the moroi perform unspeakable rituals, and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. rose and lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the strigoi make lissa one of them forever...

okay that took me forever to write...well its a nice book.