Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ Thursday, June 25, 2009
heh.four more days until sch boring...hope they extand the holidays.well my homework left by one...finishing them one by one i guess.i'm not reali excited to go back to sch...sch is so boring.home feels more fun actually.hav an air-conditioned room.two i need...and sch...hmnfood?_sucksbook?_horriblecomp?_horribletv?_super primary school hav like nicer tvs than my now school.thus it shows that the sch that i'm in now i totally poor.air-conditioned room?_only the library and the music room which by the way i dun like my music teacher.dun even know what her name is...i dun hav everything everything i need in sch.home feels the best.and my friends all just wanna go out like everyday.hav you ever hear?_an idle's mind is a devil's workshop.well i'm christian so well duh i noe that so i dun reali like idling.well its just my way of offence to anyone who reads this.well...yea...
Monday, June 22, 2009 @ Monday, June 22, 2009

well i guess you all can read.
but it says
-i love the jonas brothers.
Alethea. like long time nvr post already...
anyways went to bake a few days ago at my aunts house.
baked pizzas!!! yum!! they reali taste nice...
i started watching jonas the series.and i gotta shout thisI love the JONAS BROTHERS!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3i love their music.and i love them.i love their opening song - live to party!!!heres the lyrics!!!Yeah!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
i was sitting at home
Watching tv all alone
So tired for re-runs
I've memorized this show
So I pick up the phone
Call everyone I know
Said theres gonna be a party
Hit the music here we go
We gotta live to party
Bust your move
Everybody is in the groove
Tell the dj to play my song
Are you ready to rock n' roll?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
We were out on the floor
Yeah we danced the night away
Then she looked at her watch
And said that it was late
Then she pulled me aside
And said she couldnt stay
(I really gotta go)
But i begged her for one more song
Let the music play!
We gotta live to party
Bust your move
Everybody is in the groove
Tell the dj to play my song
Are you ready to rock n' roll?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
I drove her home
And then she whispered in my ear
The party doesnt have to end
We can dance here
Live to party
Bust your move
Everybody is in the groove
Tell the dj to play my song
Are you ready to rock n' roll?
We gotta live to party
Bust your move
Everybody is in the groove
Tell the dj to play my song
Are you ready to rock n' roll?
We gotta live to party
Bust your move
Everybody is in the groove
Tell the dj to play my song
Are you ready to rock n' roll?
and thats it.try to find it on youtube.i love the jonas brothers and their music!!!kyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 @ Tuesday, June 16, 2009
went to watch hannah montana todae.hee hee.
its super funny.i totally will like sae go watch it.hahas.after the show went to the library cos my sis wanted to sis found this book called beautiful dead.its super awesome.i love it.i totally recommand you to read it.i love this phrase.Not alive.Not dead.Somewhere in betweenlie the beautiful dead.i love the book.go read it...
Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ Saturday, June 13, 2009
hee hee.
playmax was super fun!!!went to play extremmax.then play human foozeball.i do not know how to spell that.
anyways,then very was conrad,kenny,yan han,justin and me against some primary school kids.we smashed funny!!! kenny be goal keeper.then went to chatmax,cybermax,we missed stagemax T.T,smartmax,foodmax and fleamax.cybermax was super fun!! clarissa i dunno how to spell her name played with me wii.then the guys played xbox.then i bought a necklace for myself at was super cute... i totally loved it. hahas.ltr must do the history homework with sarah...wonder wad will happen............
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ Wednesday, June 10, 2009
i just came back frm the tampines library to find books for my history.then saw eric thr.hahas.ask ask ask him help me find the books.everything took only 1hr.hahas.well thx eric.!! cAn't wait for Friday!!!friday hav PLAYmax!!!i can't wait!!!gonna be super exciting with lots of games and all!!!only 2 more days!!! yay yay yay.gona go start reading the books already.buh bye.
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ Monday, June 08, 2009
hahas.yesterday no change to use comp cos my sis was using it the whole day.
i went to the beach yesterday again to play.took some photos.

this was a random photo.
me and my mom.
Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ Thursday, June 04, 2009
todae was like reali fun. after the day almost ended,we went to the beach!!so fun.hav pictures.
also hav on mother's day laura painting my nails black.hahas.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ Tuesday, June 02, 2009
homework is boring.but without it we won't know anything.well,i'm done with my maths homework.striving to finish all my homework by nxt wk.i didn't want to write this but people made me write this everyone should know that i'm a christian,i made this promise to god.i promised to him to not stead anyone until i'm like 20 or older unless i find the guy that is willing to spend my whole life with.most of the people that i know now probably would not think i'll live up to not having a 'bf' for the nxt 7 years.and that i'll probably give up halfway.but just continue reading this post.i made this promise because of something my sis told sis told me this.there was this guy that was going to get married today.when the two of them,him and his going to be wife,the guy that was doing the ceremony like reading the laws and everything said this:is there anyone in this church that opposes to these two to get married?then, there was this woman who stood up and said to the guy getting married:what abou me? i remember you saying that you would love me until the end of time.then,another woman stood up and said the exactly same thing.a few other woman stood up and said the same words.the wife turned to him and said:i won't ever trust you again.and she ran off.the end.just imagine yourself as the guy that was supposed to get married.everytime you tell your supposedly loved one that you love her or him,you give a part of your heart away.use me as an example.i've had so many guys in my life up till now.all of time i am certain i've told them all i love you.but after i break up with them,even after saying i love you really told me i've given each boy a part of my heart.i cannot take back my heart so i' just going to leave it and continue living this life until i've found the guy that suits me and is willing to marry me.well,i've said what i wanted to say.good bye for now i guess.
Monday, June 1, 2009 @ Monday, June 01, 2009
todae was realli boring.i had nothing to do except read the awakening.and do homework of course.its about chloe saunders being a neocromance.ovbiously shes not the normal teenage girl.being able to raise the dead and talk to them of course.this story is totally fantasy.kindda like twilight like there is romance and supernaturals.well the storyline is that she's on the run frm the edison group with derek,simon(the two hotties)and tori.well they are also not very normal.derek's a warewolf and simon a soccerror.or something like that.and tori's a witch.yea.i dun wana be a spoiler or anything.but this book- the awakening is the continuation of the summoning.and there is another book coming out.well,holidays would be fun if thr was no homework.gotta go do them lame.well,mark's dogs are cute.i gotta go do homework now i guess.i'm wads that word?? um...nvm.i forgot.when i remember i'll write it down.wadever buh bye for now i guess...