Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ Saturday, May 30, 2009
the day is ending.and i'm still sick.i wish i hadn't gotten many things cannot eat.but at least sch holidays started already.sad...i feel so colourful.but red rain rawked.can't forget the experience.can't wait to see them again.why am i repeting the colours??well,at least i'm having fun changing colours.nothing much happened.cannot go baking at my aunts house cos i sick.well,i'm hoping to get better soon so i can go bake cookies at my aunt's hse.anyways.i gotta go watch animes.bye bye. hee
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ Wednesday, May 27, 2009
todae got fever...went sch then noe....then so troublesome...cannot go home boring.went home after see doctor at about 12.then eat medicine.then sleep about frm long...feel like sleeping somehow...mabey i should go sleep now....medicine taste horrible...
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ Sunday, May 24, 2009
RED RAIN rawked.well i went yesterday with my sister and yan was so fun!! i was jumping to the songs.yea. jumping.everyone was jumping to the song oso.we were screaming!!!
red rain was fantastic!
the lead guitarist was so cool!!
his guitar skills was even better!!!
well i need to sleep already..sickening.tmrw hav sch...ZZZ.
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ Friday, May 22, 2009
OMG OMG OMG.RED RAIN IS COMING TMRW!!! I NEED TO SCREAM KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!okay hahas.done screaming.anyone wants to go to the concert with me tmrw.(friends oni)please call.i hav extra tickets.and their all gona be free.but anyways...
RED RAIN IS COMING AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!ANOTHER 1 MORE DAY!!!AHHHHHH!!!okay gona go calm myself down.and wait for another few hours.gona go do something else.bye!! =]
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ Thursday, May 21, 2009 nothing intresting happened...until today...hahas!!
todae after cmm sarah and me went to ehub to buy waffel...or waffle.wadever.
then when we went out i sae valerie jiejie.but she nvr see me.
she was walking with her cell leader.but i call him ahem ahem.if you noe wad i mean.if you don't her bf.but no larh.he's not.i just do that to irritate her.
then we went to her hse.walk walk walk.yeathen we reach she take her stuff then we go my house.then yea.
boring boring boring.
the end.
nothing to post at all.
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ Friday, May 15, 2009
lawl todae was so fun!!!
got back my maths,chinese and english papers.
maths score-77.5/100(grade 1)
chinese score-40/130(U grade)
english score-72/100(grade 2)
hahas. yea my scores sucks...
after sch the best part.
Conrad,Kenny,Evan and me went out together.
so its like 3 guys and 1 girl.
yea i clique better with guys than girls.(i seriously hav bad spelling)
first went ehub to buy cup walker 4 me.
then conrad gave me a ride on his bike and kenny walked and evan rode his bike and we went to white sands cos they wanted to eat lunch.
wow.guys eat fast i still haven't finish my drink they finish eating already.
then i went to the toilet to fix my hair.
then i was like argh juz let down my hair and giv them a shock.
then like when i went bac to the food court,kenny saw me first and did the shock look with the shock mouth.then the both of them look at whr kenny was looking and they were like oso shocked cos i dun reali let down my hair in sch. then kenny rode evan's bike and gave him a ride and conrad gave me a ride.
kindda funny.
then we went to pasir ris park.
supposed to fly kite.then we sae the fun playground and got caught with it.
then like i was screaming cos we were like riding the ufo thingy and they purposely stop at the top part make me sit thr and i was like almost falling.hahas.
then play play play until 3.30 we all went home this time evan gave me a ride to the pasir ris interchange cos i need take bus frm thr.
so like kenny rode conrad's bike and gave like conrad a ride.
then conrad was like playing while standing on the bike then like we were laughing and screaming.
hahas.yea so they sent me to the interchange and they left.
so i took 17 home.
go home.
so boring.
well i 2 pics hahas one in sch and one at white sands.
yea i edited them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @ Tuesday, May 12, 2009
hahas.juz heard that RED RAIN IS COMING TO SG again!!!!
hahas am soooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gotta go calm myself down.
Alethea is finally happy again.
Monday, May 11, 2009 @ Monday, May 11, 2009
hahaz...long time since i've posted...well then again maybe not...lawl sunday was funny...happy belated mother's day to all mums out thr!!! especially mine~~~!!! haha Sunday had a mother's day mani,pedi/food & drinks/ class sec 1 girls were gonna be serving the food to all mums...then like we were eating was fun serving the food then like about 1 laura asked me if she could do my nails.then i was she was like okay wad colour you want then i was like black lorh...then she was like okay wait i go take. then johannah was like next to me and then she was like good luck and i was telling my frends which were nxt to me i'm scared...then like the three of us laughed...then laura do until like horrible...haha then like i went home...then my sis and i went to our babysitter's house to celebrate mother's day with her and my cousin and her family.then we ate was delicious....haha then like yea my day ended with a good laugh...
gota go do something else....
feeling dead on the inside...
Thursday, May 7, 2009 @ Thursday, May 07, 2009
haha....alethea feels dead....exams are here...tmrw hav science-physics
dunno how i can pass....
trying to have faith that i can pass...
but faith is so hard to find
when i'm dying with him outta my life...
what to do...
can't stop hurting....
the life that once was so happy feels so dead...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ Tuesday, May 05, 2009
okay my blog is total crap!!! i feel like eating crab~~~ haha just kidding...i think...hahas blog feels dead and my music is crapping up dunno wad happened to it... haiz.....oh yea btw i lurve the song secret valentine haha and hana to akuma the manga is so nice~~~ alethea is happy...i think....woo happy b'day mark!!! yur old and i'm young haha happy 13th birthday!!!! haha yesterday and todae suddenly started talking to ji wei haha then i started irritating my sister haha yay so funny then she became crazy haha well in all
ALETHEA IS HAPPY *alethea is shouting*