Friday, February 27, 2009 @ Friday, February 27, 2009
hey so like urm yea my marks for my maths common test are like damn awesome larh i got 33/40!! awesome rite...okay nvm... anyway my day was the same as yesterday and the day be4 just that we were doing the music homework and the show is called 'the playboy' staring xin leong!!!! and the show is like really funny larh when were done making the movie i'll post it on the blog but now its like half half and like still have the ngs so its like really funny!!! well my day yesterday was like i spent 12hrs in sch and today i came back earlier as usual at 12.45 so like i am studying for my chemistry test on monday and doing my maths homework now for tomorrow for my tuition with my cousin!!!so like i'm rushing so like i need to go!!!
signing off--alethea
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ Wednesday, February 25, 2009
hey so like my day is almost the same as yesterday just that todae when i was supposed to go to sch at 8 i went at 6 don't worry i did that on purpose!!! cuz we wanted to do the filming for the music project then like claudia and xin leong nvr come!!!!! so irritating!!! kenny,sarah ang and me waited so long!!!!!! ZZZ so like my day started out as this
6.25 leave house go wait at bus stop for sarah ang then we go sch together
reach sch at 6.55
waited for them until sch started at 8.10
then normal sch started blah blah blah
sch bell rings and yay schs over!! just that i didn't bring the cricket so must stay bac and do the test with the other ppl that nvr bring oso
so like angel and our other friends went to ehub the mac eat first and georgina,kah mung,kimberly and me left at sch
so we fin the test around 1.45 as the test started at 1.20
then kim and me rush to mac cuz we didn't know georgina and kah mung wanted to go mac too
then we reach mac saw conrad(chairman) and yong wen i think thats his name there too
with claudia,sarah and and safiqah
then we all ate and went back to sch at 2.20 slowly walk back cuz we still need to go practice singing and cuz the class was talking then mrs lowe not happy she took her comp and go off so it ended 15 mins ltr so lame rite =.= sry abel!!! wanted to go back with you but my class damn irritating so like damn lame
so sya,wei qian,shinna and me took the same bus to go home so like sya dropped off first then shinna then me then wei qian and then we went home...
so thats like it end of the day buh bye
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the same photo just that we are doing a different pose

georgina,me,angel,kah mung,sarah ting and kimberly

me(alethea) and angel
well todae was mostly the same as yesterday.
woke up at 6
left house at 6.25
reach sch at 6.45
finish sch at 2.45
then xin leong,sarah ang,kenny,claudia and me hav to do this project on music.
so we choose to do the theme playboy
then we use xin leong as the main character
lawls just do one scene with xin leong took like an hour!!!
went home the time was about 6
so i like spent 12hrs in sch
how wrong is that?? anyway took more photos in sch todae!!
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ Monday, February 23, 2009

please realise that i'm loving you with all my heart
so um like it was like another normal school day.
woke up at 6
got ready and left house at 6.25
got on the bus and talked all the way to sch with elieen(senior)
reached sch study study study got 3 tests
finally done with sch at 3.15
took the bus with abel and talked with nicolas,elieen and cheryl and abel
dropped off with abel and nicolas(seniors)
and went home
talked with abel on the phone
and he actually told me his marshmellows were crunchy
he said'oh my marshmellows have chocolate chips,wait a minuet,the chocolate chips are moving!' and i t0ld him that those were ants and he went to wash his mouth.
when i went home,i went to eat my marshmellows. i checked first to see if there were ants and joy. i
found many
and then my mom helped me to take out those ants and i am currently eating those marshmellows joy. and i can feel ants walking on me HELP
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ Sunday, February 22, 2009

what can i say...

just another picture
hmn...yesterday late night cycling i didn't die...well at least i thought i was gonna die... anyway
woke up at 9
got ready to go to church...
9.30 left house...
reached church at 10
help with the kids from 2-5
11.30 go senior sunday school(sss)
1.30 go home eat lunch
2-now slack
just another normal day
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ Saturday, February 21, 2009
okay...normal day i guess...
woke up at 8++
slacked until 12
go guitar lesson
come back
watch show
until 2!!
oh yeah